Health Insurance Reform Weekly Easy To Insure ME
Week of
November 15, 2010State budget problems are so dire and rising health
care costs so worrisome that some states are considering what may have
been unthinkable just a year or two ago — opting out of the federal
Medicaid program. The New York Times reported last week that Texas (see
below) and a handful of other states are considering doing exactly
that, especially given that federal health care reform will expand (as
of 2014) the number of residents who are eligible for the
state-administered health care program. In South Carolina,Young begun
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was released in 2000. state officials there are considering not paying
Medicaid claims as of March 2011 unless they can secure permission to
run at a deficit. Some state leaders concede dropping Medicaid could
have a devastating effect on their local economies, making such a course
Easy To Insure ME has the answersHealth Care
Reform ImplementationFor more detail about the ongoing implementation
of the new health care reform law and its potential impact on you, read
a new edition of our Eye on Implementation feature.FederalWith
Congress on recess last week, there is no Federal summary for this
week.StatesALASKA: A state health commission created by the legislature
this year has begun reviewing rapidly rising medical costs and patterns
of health care pricing among providers. Alaska’s health care costs are
rising faster than the national average.
The commission held
its first meeting in Anchorage October 14 and 15 after its members
were appointed by Gov. Sean Parnell. Most members of the panel were on
an earlier health care task force, but this panel has five new members,
including two state legislators. In an effort to provide the
Commission with relevant cost and quality data, Aetna has forwarded
several relevant studies and documents produced by its Public Policy
Department.CALIFORNIA: The state is yet again facing a massive budget
deficit — $25.4 billion projected for 2011,If you are aggravating to
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getting worshipful. according to the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst
Office. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger will call a budget special
session starting December 6 to resolve the current-year $6.Currently one
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impacted by two propositions passed during the November election.
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from local governments, and they also approved Proposition 26, which
makes it harder to raise fees. It also rolls back fees that were passed
by less than a two-thirds vote this year. The LAO estimates these two
propositions will create a $1 billion hole in the budget. Democrat
Governor-elect Jerry Brown, who campaigned on a pledge of no new taxes,
will release his budget proposal in early January.NEW JERSEY: Last week
the Assembly Financial Institutions & Insurance Committee took up
legislation that clarifies out-of-network payment responsibilities
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